Training programs help to increase productivity, reduce the potential for “on the job” accidents and insure an educated workforce. An additional benefit can be a reduction of insurance costs due to fewer accidents and therefore fewer claims.
Most of the safety training work we do is a result of a serious accident involving life threatening injuries and in some cases fatalities. Now, thanks to our safety DVDs, thousands of people working in industrial settings are better educated to the seriousness of safety awareness in their workplace. An additional benefit to the company is the reduction of insurance claims and productivity loss due to employee absence during recovery.
In some industries ongoing training is mandatory and can require repetitive sessions. We help our clients to develop their own custom computer based DVD, CD-Rom, and web based training from existing materials and live sessions recorded for repeat playback.
Contact Us to see how we can help with your training needs.
See also: Safety Training, Employee Health, Employee Wellness
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